Eat Your Ego

progressive rock metal

A metallic outfit from Berlin. Heavy Ignition

“a constant beat, a constant beat, a constant beat”

Eat Your Ego (E.Y.E) used to wear different masks, but in the summer of 2023 it became clear that the previous visions and aspirations no longer suited the moment we were in. We ate our old egos and gave birth to new ones. We are not guardians of morality, nor a new breach of sanctity. We are the embodiment of a candid human experience.

Our music sits outside the normal rock confines. We stretch it to the realms of samba, hardcore, doom and of punk. We balance electronic textures; incisive electrics; groovy and deconstructed drumming patterns, and vocals at times gnarly, at times soothing.
A dangerous place to operate, but one that fuels our creative vision.

The imagery conveyed by our words and performance is rooted in angst that persists, and that instead of being softened with the idea of becoming adult, it grows. They illustrate a will to keep visiting the hidden parts of oneself.


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  • Berlin, DE seit 2022


  • Celso // Vocal
  • Linus // Drums
  • Gaylor // Guitar
  • Chang // Bass
