Tales of Tomorrow

modern classic metal

We are "Tales of Tomorrow". A band that plays from the heart and travels through time and space to unite fans with the universal language: Our music!

"In search of the perfect Note" - A Tale of Tomorrow

One day in the rehearsal Room of the young band practising their music, a strange light apeared and emitted a powerful energy that drew the band in.

They found themselves in different worlds, playing for different species and beings. Their music had the power to unite and bring joy to all who heard it. They went on an incredible journey, discovering new sounds and incorporating them into their music.

But as they traveled through different dimensions, they realized that the perfect note was not something they could physically find. It was something in the depth of their passion. It was within themselves all along and from the start. And with this realization, they returned to their world, ready to share their newfound inspiration with their fans.

We are "Tales of Tomorrow", or ToT for short. A band that plays from the heart and travels through time and space to unite fans with the universal language: Our music! And it's not just about entertainment, it's about taking our listeners on a journey and making them feel something that they can identify with. Our Music brings people together. Cause music is the only language everybody can understand.

And it all started with a band of six people, who play music from the heart.

At the forefront of the band is Fabi, the frontman and the voice of ToT. He had been singing and performing since he was a teenager, and his passion for music had grown over the years. With lots of experience and a voice that could captivate any audience his carismatic character will touch every fan. Sascha, the drummer, is the backbone of the band. His powerful beats and energetic performances are what make people want to get up and dance. Verena, the youngest member of the band at only 15 years old, is a prodigy on the keyboard. Her fingers move effortlessly over the keys, creating a beautiful melody that added depth to their music. Emily, the 17-year-old Guitar player, is the quiet one of the group. But when she picks up her guitar, she transformes into a fierce and passionate musician. On the other side there is Kursat a guitar-hero like no other. His playing style is beyond the ordinary. And last but not least, there is Maja, on the bass. Her deep bass lines are legendary and her stage presence is unmatched.

ToT´s support is manifested by two other Gentleman:
Arno the Live-Engineer, is a wizard behind the soundboard, weaving sonic spells that transforme ordinary performances into extraordinary experiences. His tec-knowledge is outstanding and he has a solution for every problem.

And there is Oliver, the Mastermind behind the curtain - the creator and producer of ToT´s sound. In his dimly lit studio, Olli dances with echoes and reverbs, coaxing warmth from vintage compressors and whispers from analog tape. His ears are finely tuned instruments, attuned to the heartbeat of every note. His secret? It’s not just about frequencies and dBs. It’s about alchemy. He blends science with intuition, turning raw ideas into harmonic gold.


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  • Buttenwiesen , DE seit 2024

Video + Audio

  • YouTube


  • Fabi // Vocals
  • Sascha // Drums
  • Kürsat // Guitar
  • Emily // Guitar
  • Maja // Bass
  • Verena // Keys
